Woot! I Won Camp NaNo!

Originally posted on sheri j kennedy ~ Riverside:
Seventy-six hours of editing in 30 days! My goal was 75. It was a lot of work, but I’ve really got a handle on the second book in my Witty Miss Livingstone series and a better grasp of the full story arc of the other 3 books to…

Z is for Zowie!

Check out what my actor-friend Paula Spurr did when she received my new book from Amazon…Zowie!

Y is for Yesterday

Wine & Words was a hit! Turn out was great, and everyone enjoyed the quality and entertainment of the stories, stage-plays and poetry that was shared. So much talent in our area! A big thanks to The Black Dog Arts Cafe’ for providing the venue and great food, drinks and service last night – as always!

W is for Walk – North Bend Jazz Walk

One of my favorite nights of the year, from Six to Midnight my town’s small venues are taken over by jazz musicians from high school students to legends. Here’s a smattering of what I saw, and if you’d like to hear some, you can click on the links-Find HD for better view… Greg Ruby Group:…

V is for Voices

Outside my office window there’s been a chorus of song all day, everyday, this week. The white crown sparrows are hanging out and singing away. You can hear them HERE. Make sure to choose HD. You can also see VIDEO of a hummingbird that was perching and flitting by my window today.    

U is for Unfurl

Leaves are unfurling and Spring green celebrations are bursting from the trees at last.

S is for Spare Change

Spare Change
Eyes open—propped with latte’s, cropped with bag-and-sag removing eye-opening work
Paid for yearly, dearly, from the surgeons hands.
But they don’t see him on the corner with his cardboard sign.
A sign of what’s to come. What is. His. Nothing.
Need for everything but Need…

R is for Random Recollection

Out of the ether, a couple of my old poems from university days showed up in my Facebook messages today from a friend who was – no doubt is – a brilliant poet. How funny that he still had these scraps and came across them. And how nice that he took the time to share them with me and send them back to my Recollection.

Note: drier should be *dryer*. I’ve come a long way, baby! LOL. The year is missing from the dates, but I’m guessing about ’85 or so.

Q is for Quality

I find it interesting that the first definition of Quality is a comparison. It’s Better than. It’s no wonder so many are concerned with the opinion of others. However the second definition is about a Distinctive attribute…that which makes it different.

P – Pools & Persnickety Pursuit

Originally posted on sheri j kennedy ~ Riverside:
…and because it’s fun, a reprise of my 2013 A to Z post: Persnickety Pursuit Penelope, though pretty, was particularly picky and perused the proffered products at Pittsburgh’s Provincial Plaza with practiced precision to procure the perfect pair of pumps. She persisted in poking and prodding prolific piles of plastic…