R is for Random Recollection

Poem 2Poem 1Out of the ether, a couple of my old poems from university days showed up in my Facebook messages today from a friend who was – no doubt is – a brilliant poet. How funny that he still had these scraps and came across them. And how nice that he took the time to share them with me and send them back to my Recollection.

Note: drier should be *dryer*. I’ve come a long way, baby! LOL. The year is missing from the dates, but I’m guessing about ’85 or so.


3 Comments Add yours

  1. How charming that he kept them! Of course, they do look like keepers, but that doesn’t always translate into people actually keeping them.

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    1. If you saw Roger’s work, you would find these pale in comparison. I always looked up to him as a mentor and my poetry became better for it. I was very touched to know he tucked these away instead of discarding them.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. So lovely that they were saved and shared. 🙂

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