I’m here to Eat Crow

Sheri's CrowHello my fabulous readers and fans of Miss Liv Adventures. I’m here to admit defeat on releasing book III by the end of summer. I devoted every spare minute I could see straight, but the edit rolls on. It took me a while to gather courage to face you, and to quit pretending summer could stretch a few hours longer.

The complexity of the edit defeated me on my announced deadline, but it has not put out my fire – nor Miss Livingstone’s! She and I are spending much feisty and entertaining time together. Puzzling puzzles are solved and the journey is smooth… if only I had a time traveling stone to jump quickly to the end for you. But alas, I must continue one step at a time.

Publishing and release is so near I can almost taste it – like Miss Livingstone’s favorite lemon tarts wafting on the literary breeze. Get ready to savor! Coming (truly) soon…

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Laura Bennet says:

    It happens! I had planned a September release which is now happening October 20,2020. It seems everything is a bit delayed this year. All the best to you!

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  2. winneyb says:

    Things of grandeur are worth waiting for, and this release will be terrific!


    1. So sweet of you to say so, Winney! Especially since you read the Beta version. It’s reassuring to know the story is on track, and I just need to finish polishing the wheels. πŸ™‚


  3. Thanks Laura! So kind of you to commiserate. I’m very far from my original plan on this book, but I thought I would make it by end of summer for certain. This has indeed been a year of delays, and I know getting proofs and actual physical copies is taking much longer than usual right now too. We can only do what we can do. Congrats on your upcoming release! What’s your new book called?


  4. Oh, I can related. I’m releasing books in October that I’d hoped to have released in May! Only 5 months later than expected. I’m looking forward to Miss Liv and will read it whether it’s done. Take your time. πŸ™‚

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    1. Thanks Diana! I’m not exactly taking my time, though it might feel like it to my readers. It’s just a tedious edit to get right. But I’m pleased with the results and still moving along well. The final improvements are worth the work and hopefully will be worth the wait. πŸ™‚

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      1. Books take as long as they take. You want it right. πŸ™‚

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